Thursday, March 21, 2013

Daughter of a Mechanic

I was thinking about my childhood, and growing up with a Dad like mine.
When we had a plumbing problem, did we call the plumber? Nope.
When we had an appliance problem, did we call the appliance man? Nope.
When we had an electrical problem, did we call an electrician? Nope.
When we had a flat tire, did we call triple A? Absolutely not!

I know you’re thinking to yourself, “Wow! Your Dad can fix everything!”
True, true.
But he didn’t fix everything. My Dad told me what to do so I could fix everything...

I built my first fire when I was 5. Kindle, to me, will forever be small pieces of wood that you start a fire with…not a portable device with millions of books on it.
Also at 5, I learned how to drive a car on my father’s lap. And a motorcycle.
I knew how to drive a car by myself at age 8.
I changed my first flat tire when I was 9, my Dad thought it was time I learned.
At ten years old, I learned to drive a car with a manual transmission (stick shift).
When I was fourteen years old my Dad gave me my first car, a Nissan Pulsar.
I could keep her if I changed the transmission. Yup, I said her.
I pulled out my first tranny at 14 from my Pulsar.
I changed brake pads and rotors for the first time when I was 15, and in the same year did my first oil change.
At 17, I bought my second car. I sometimes call her the “blue banana”.
I took out the transmission and engine at the same time, and put in new(er) ones.
Just recently (age 19) I fixed the heater for his house.

I remember figuring out that it’s actually pretty uncommon to know how to change a tire in middle school.

It’s weird growing up. You realize that your parents were right about a lot of things.
And you begin to appreciate it.
My Dad would always say, “You might marry someone who doesn’t know how to do this, so you have to learn how.”
He was being mostly sarcastic, he just meant that he wanted me to be self-sufficient.
I see it now.

Rainy season in Sacramento is always fun. Who doesn’t love mud?
I must’ve been 10 or 11, and I got a car stuck in the mud in our backyard.
This was pretty foreign to me, I had never been stuck before!
The car wouldn’t budge. ):
So I went and grabbed my Daddio, cause he can fix anything.
 “What do we do?” I asked.
He said we needed to try a few things…
The first thing he tried was rocking the car back and forth by putting it in drive then reverse, drive then reverse, drive then reverse. It didn’t work!
So then we tried putting wood boards underneath the tires, and it worked!
I learned a lesson that day…

Now let us skip a few years later to…a few months ago!
I was in my car pulling out of my apartment parking lot.
This was in Utah. There was a lot of snow. So glad I’m in Cali now!
Anyway, there is a pretty deep dip/ditch at the end of the drive way, and I had to stop because 600 south is a really busy street, and cars needed to pass.
The cars pass, and it’s clear! I press on the gas aaaand I don’t go anywhere…what?!
I was stuck!
The first thing that came to my mind was to go awkwardly ask my neighbors if they’d give me a push.
But then I remembered this one time when my Dad was trying to get a car unstuck…
So I tried the back and forth thing, and it worked!

Moral of the story: California is better than Utah. Just kidding! Settle down.

Parents are just so smart!

And yes, I know how to fix things that Chris doesn’t, but that’s because I had a Dad like mine. (:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Working out for the Wedding.

I would first like to say that I am not working out JUST for the wedding.
I really am on a journey for a healthier life style!
I think the wedding was sort of a kick in the pants for me though...haha.
Get the Jillian Michaels DVD I'm talking about right here on Amazon!

Also, the workout that I am doing is called Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred

She's the mean lady on the Biggest Loser.
If I don't workout, I have nightmares of her getting mad at me...
I LOVE this work out! I heard about it from my cousin, and then I kept hearing things about it from my friends, so I had to get it!
It has 3 levels. Level 1 is for beginners, level 2 when you're ready for more, and level 3 is killer awesome and hard!
The work out is 20 minutes, but she talks in the beginning and end and stuff, so it turns out to be about 27 minutes. You don't need any equipment either! You can get hand weights, OR you can use cans, or water bottles.

Can I have a testimony in working out? Hahaha.
Seriously, I can't even tell you guys how amazing it is to FEEL the difference.
I'm not trying to brag, really, I'm just so amazed. I guess it's something I've never really felt before, sad but true. 

After I worked out tonight, I was thinking to myself, "Am I REALLY even making a difference?" then I thought about how many people have noticed.
Then I thought of how far I've come!
I remember after a week and a half of doing level 1, I was like, "I'm ready for level 2! I can do anything!"
I tried it and was like, "Hah, just kidding, I don't mind doing level 1 for the rest of my life..."

I could not even finish level 2 work out, I barely made it past the warm up!
I really thought I wasn't ever going to do level 2.

Then there was a pause because I got sick. 
I didn't work out, and I was slightly scared to sleep because Jillian might visit me. 
I was even thinking(in real life) about how I would explain to her(in my dream) how I was sick!
So I healed (mostly), and I could feel how easy it was to just...not work out tonight, tomorrow tomorrow.

I'll work out tomorrow. 

But I knew I couldn't let myself do that, I have goals! A quota, so to speak! 

After 11 days of not working out (and no visit from Jillian, thank goodness), I did level 1, which was day 19 for me!
It was still a work out, but it felt...routine? Almost like I was bored of it!
I literally have the whole thing memorized of level 1.
My favorite part is when she's like, "I have 400lb people doing jumping jacks *pause* so can you."
No idea why.

Anyway, I was ready for something different. 

I remember while doing the cool down of level 1(day 19), I was thinking to myself that this is probably what it feels like to become stronger. I could feel it. I was ready for more!
So I started level 2, and I made it through!
Though I had to take some pauses, I still managed to get through it! I was amazed.
And today, during the work out I was thinking of how far I've come and how good it felt!
While sweat bullets dripped down my face.

A lot of the time when I workout, that song from the Disney movie Mulan pops into my head.

"I'll Make a Man Out of You" 
I think because at that part of the movie Mulan is over coming a huge obstacle in her life.Or maybe because I love that movie and that song.

Anyway, here is my version of the song! Some parts you have to stretch it out a little, haha (:

Let's get down to business - to defeat this fat

Muscle I will build, I am sure of that
I'm the saddest person I've ever met 
When there's a limit to what I eat
Soon the chub on my body, I'll defeat
Running through the city
Think I might just die
Sweat in every place
This is my last goodbye
Then I see the finish, I'm nearly there
and I know I'll make it through
I keep telling myself, "Just Do."
I'm never gonna make my goals!
Say goodbye to my new jeans
Why was I a fool for thinking I could win?
I think I'm close enough!
Hope this brownie goes right through me
Now I really wish I'd magically be slim!

We'll be strong
We will work out and get in that outfit
It won't be long
Till we have a healthy habit
We'll be strong
With all the strength that we have earned
Those millions of calories we have burned
Time is racing toward us till the event arrives!
Working out every day, saying "I will survive"
Finally I will be fit
I am strong, and I can do
Anything that I put my mind to.

Yes we can!
We will make it through!
Your life span
Will double because of you!
You are strong
And all you need to do is just start
Before you know it, you will have gone so far!

Is your mind just blown? So was mine!

Thank you everybody for your support! I love you all!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chris and I: A history Vol. ii

Welcome back! I know you are all dying for the next part of the story!
If you haven’t read the first part, please go here and read it: Chris and I: A History Vol. i
That way we are on the same page! (:

Let’s pick up where I left you all hanging…

He walked into the room, and I stared. I’m not one for staring, nor do I believe love at first site.
But, oh man, I thought to myself, “He is the most handsome boy I’ve ever seen…”

If this was a movie, my jaw would’ve dropped and I would’ve drooled.
It’s not though, so as a civilized human being, I acted like nothing happened.
I turned back around and decided that this was the best class ever, and I would be attending it more often.
I think I introduced myself, I don’t remember.
But his name is Chris…

A couple months passed and I attended the class a few times…more than a few…many? Many times?
I saw Chris a couple times there, but not as often as I had hoped.
But I wasn’t visiting that class just for him, no sir! I was there to….
Okay, I admit it. I just wanted to see him.
I sound like a crazy girl with a crush! I seriously am not the stalker type! Really!
I just didn’t know him or anything about him.
Who was he? Who is this guy that everyone knows except for me??
I blame it on my curiosity.
I mean, I give the credit to my curiosity. (:

It’s about to get good!

One Sunday…
It was magic. I don’t remember how it ended up with just us two, talking in the hall way at church.
But it was just that.
I was trying to explain a talk I heard by John Bytheway to Chris.
Something about taking a jug to church, and he was playing stupid, and taking me literally.
I was trying to explain that it wasn’t a real jug, a spiritual jug!
He acted confused, which then made me confused…
I learned that he grew up right there in Rosemont, that he took French in High School, he was going on a mission, and he knew everyone I knew!
Seriously, who was this guy?! Why have we never met??
I finally got his attention, aaaand frankly, it never left after that. Hahaha.
(Chris confessed to me about a month ago what was going on through his head during this particular conversation, it was something like this, “I’ve got to get her number, I’ve got to get her number, I’ve got to get her number……hmm, naaah, I’ll just stalk her on Facebook.”)
Aaaand he did. He threw a friend request my way, and I accepted, joyfully.
We messaged back and forth on Facebook.
Him, trying to get me to “hang out” with him.
Me, trying to play hard to get.
We were recently looking back at the messages we sent to each other and folks, it is adorable.
Cheese filled. I couldn’t stop laughing.
He really was trying, and I just kept denying him…nicely.
Finally, I agreed.

The rest is history.

The end.
*cough cough*
I mean,

The Beginning. Our Beginning.

Oh! And to reward your patience, I’ll tell you our first kiss story!
Bonus! Haha.
I know you are all dying to know!

What was it? Date 3, I think. Maybe 5. Maybe 1. I don’t remember the details…
But we were at the Tiber light rail station about to walk me home. And we were hugging for a while.
We were standing there (I’ll show you exactly where if you want me to), and I wanted to kiss him.
I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again! I wanted to kiss him!
I thought to myself, I’ll ask him. I’m such a genius.
I looked up at him, “Chris?”
He looked down at me, “Hm?”
Nah, Sabrina, don’t do it! You don’t ask, that’s so weird!
“Nothing.” I looked back down.
What are you doing?! Ask him!
I looked back up, “Chris?”
That boy looked back down at me with his beautiful eyes, “What?”
You nut, Sabrina! Don’t ask him!
I looked back down, “Hah, nothing…”
Sabrina! Why are you being such a chicken?! Now you’re being a real weirdo!
For a third freaking time, I looked back up at his face, “Chris?”
He was already looking down at me, “Yeah?”
It was like I had a little devil and a little angel on each of my shoulders, arguing!
I looked down again, “Nothing, nothing.”

Fourth time is the charm, right?
I slowly moved my head up to look at his face again.
By this time, I think he figured it out and...
WHOOP, there it is!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chris and I: A history Vol. i

I thought I would tell you all the beginning of Chris and I.
A little history of this adorable couple.
But before I get into how we met, I want to give you a history on…well, me.

Now, I have lived in Sacramento most of my life. I say most because there was a time when I was about 7 years old that I lived in Northern Salt Lake. Lasted about 6 months.
Okay, I’ve lived in Sacramento all my life.
I’ve moved around inside Sacramento a lot. I mean a lot.
Roseville, Rancho Cordova, Elk Grove, Rosemont, Elk Grove again…there was a time I lived in Ione, but I consider that part of Sacramento anyway…but it’s not. I know.

I also want you to know that I spent most of my years as a teenager in the Sacramento Cordova Stake.
I’m talking from 12-14, and then 16-17. (I lived in Elk Grove in between there when I was 15, and I moved to Utah when I was 17.)
I participated in a lot of youth activities in this stake, including the temple jubilee.
I met a lot of people, made a lot of friends. I really thought I knew all the youth in that stake. I thought I knew OF everyone, at the least!
Oh, but how wrong I was…

Let us go back to the year 2010. Seems like yesterday—wait a minute, I sound like an old person!
Omgosh lol brb rofl wtheck u r dnt thx ttyl
Young again! Haha.

It was February of 2010, I was 16 ½.
I can’t remember the reason(inspiration perhaps?), but for some reason my Dad and I were attending the Brighton Ward Sacrament meeting. Afterward, Nathan Dyke came up to me and was trying to convince me to go with him to second hour Sunday school.

History of Nathan and I:
Nathan is my age.
Nathan was my dance partner in the temple jubilee (awkward little 12 year olds, you can imagine).
Nathan’s older brother and my older sister dated.
Everything between Nathan and I was awkward. We were awkward friends, but friends nonetheless.

I was completely sure I was not going with him to second hour, and if you knew Nathan, you wouldn’t go either. Hahaha, I’m kidding, Nathan is a nice boy.
But that doesn’t change the fact that I was not going with him to second hour…until my Dad stepped in, oh boy.
My Dad. My Dad. My Dad.
My clever father suggested something to Nathan about my phone number…yay!
I was suddenly so eager to get to that Sunday school class and to get Nathan and my Dad away from each other as soon as possible before Dad started slipping Nathan my digits.
I literally started pushing Nathan out into the hall, away from my padre, and then we were off to that class.

We got to the classroom, and I knew pretty much everyone there.
I sat down like a normal person.
I conversed like a normal person.
Everything was ordinary.

I’ve noticed that when things seem ordinary in my life, they’re actually not.

The door to the classroom is off to the left diagonally behind us.
I heard it open.
Naturally, I was going to turn my head to see who it was.


He walked into the room, and I stared. I’m not one for staring, nor do I believe love at first site.
But, oh man, I thought to myself…

This is where you are going to hate me.
I’m going to leave you in suspense.
I love you all, but until next time!

To be continued…

Monday, January 28, 2013

I really should just elope.

I’m getting married!

And I might be slightly Bridezilla like, but hey! At least I admit it, and I don’t even try to deny it!
I feel like nobody talks about the stress of planning a wedding.

Probably because they don’t want to scare anyone away from getting married. I remember when my two older sisters got married, it didn't seem this complicated. I don’t remember them freaking out. I've freaked out. Only a little.
Maybe they knew exactly what they were doing. I don’t. I have no idea what I’m doing!
Except that I’m marrying the man of my dreams…I know that much.

 The most common advice that I get from other women who have already been through this is that to make sure I do it my way.  “It’s going to happen only once in your life(hopefully), so do it your way!”
Instead of me being like, “Sure, let’s do that”, “That’s fine with me, do whatever you want”, “Okay, just don’t let it be dumb looking” Which I am guilty of… I am taking charge!(mostly)

One of the first things that I was absolutely certain about my wedding was that one of the colors had to be yellow. Yellow is me.
Me is yellow.
Yellow is sort of my thing. I didn't always know this, but I found this out while trying to discover myself, or something.
And yellow has always been there for me, rain or shine.
The next step was to figure out the second color! Which was so much fun(but not really) because I couldn't find my yellows soul mate! I didn't want to do pink, or green, or blue. I wasn't about to have a taffy colored wedding. You can, or if you did, I am sure it was beautiful! It’s just not me.
And this day is all about me, lalalalalalala. I wanted something that was neutral, and settled the bright yellow down. Brown & yellow? Um, potty wedding? I don’t think so. Black & yellow? We are not all about to dress up like human bumble bees. Tan &Yellow? That’s like a white bee! Gray & yellow? I love these trendy colors! It was meant to bee. Hah. Haha. Hahahaha, I’m so funny. I’m pretty sure I just told an analogy of my love story. On accident. What?

Moving on…

 I was trying to pick out flowers for my bouquet, and I literally took a picture of all the yellow flowers I could find and sent the pictures to my oldest sister and said, “I’m pretty okay with any of these.”
To my dismay, she replied, “Find one that you love, you can’t just be okay with them.” I have to love one of these stupid kinds of flowers? Why? I don’t even really like flowers…right now…since I have to pick one. I was hoping she would pick one for me.
Too bad I’m not rich enough to hire a wedding coordinator, I could really use one. Oh, wait. I did hire a wedding coordinator, for free! They’re called family.
Wedding favors…why me?! Never did I think there was so much thought put into anyone’s wedding favors! I remember as a kid going to a lot of receptions (due to my humungous family), and I don’t even remember the wedding favors. For any of them! Why is it so hard to pick some? Everyone just wants candy, give them candy.
What about broccoli with a bow tied to it?
This goes the same way with centerpieces! I would really just like to have a pile of rocks. I think rocks are pretty. People would ask me why I chose to put a pile of rocks on the table, and I will come up with a meaningful story that will put them to tears. I’m so evil. Mwuahahahaha. “Why are there rocks on the tables?” “It stands for how strong our relationship is going to be because I climbed mountains with rocks on them, and they were strong, and I made it to the top of…most of them.” Good start, eh?

Picking out the wedding dress was hard at first. We went to David’s Bridal, which 
wasn't a good idea because there were so many! How was I supposed to pick?
“Eenie meenie miney moe all these dresses have to go except the one I’m going to choose only one of these I’ll use”couldn't pick one. They weren't what I was looking for. None of them were…me. I ended up going to Deseret Industries(Thrift Store), and I found a dress that I loved. Well, I only liked the bottom part, actually. The top part I was just going to have my Mom change. But when I tried it on, I fell in love with the whole thing.
My Mom does have to make a few adjustments to make it modest. Modest is hottest.

I’m pretty excited about all the advice I’m going to get from other people. Even single people!
I remember when I was younger, I heard someone say, “Remember to fight naked!” I don’t even remember where I heard it! But I just decided that was going to be my advice to everyone. Can you imagine a 10 year old telling you at your reception, “Now remember kids, fight naked!”? I would write it in guest books too! Like I knew what I was talking about! I hope I take my own advice…

I think it’s time to go, but I will say this.

There is one thing I am definite about in this whole wedding fiasco:
1. Marrying Him, my one and only, my better half, my soul mate, my partner in crime, my Captain America, my sweetheart, my Chrisgo, my kryptonite, my 1UP mushroom, and my best friend.

Don't mind the two demons standing there, there is a giant Superman S on the ground. This is at the new Superman ride at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.

I'm pretty sure this is my I'm-about-to-kiss-you-so-be-prepared face, hahaha.

What a cheese ball am I.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I believe I can fly.

I have this sort of...obsession.

I love Superman and all Superman things.

Whew! I said it!

Now, you are either one of two people:
1. "Oh, Sabrina! We already knew that about you!"
2. "What's the big dealio?"

1. You are about to understand how serious it is.
2. Refer to #1.

I don't remember how old I was, but it was pre-teen and I was a double digit kid.(10-12)
And let me just say what a big influence my older siblings are.
Cameron was really into Superman when I was this age, so naturally, I began to really like it also.
I started stealing Candida's Superman t-shirt that she got in San Fran. I might've asked permission a few times. I wore that poor, unfortunate t-shirt out.

I was convinced that when I bought a car, I was going to paint it blue and put the 'S' shield on the hood.
I have a blue car, but I matured (slightly) and did not go through with the 'S'.

There was a pause in my life I like to call Silently Super. It lasted about 3 months, and it consisted of me being in denial of loving Superman.

The rest is history!

I now have a collection of many Superman things...MANY.
Normal Superman tee that I have.

And this is where you might get a little nervous:

A Superman tee for Valentines Day!

You're like, "I still don't understand."
Weeeeeell, I have over 10 different kinds of Superman shirts.
I even have a sweatshirt, check out below.

I wanted to buy this for my child that I won't have for many more years.

I have a few pairs of Superman pajama bottoms!
This is one of them.

'S' Shield necklace of mine.

My rubber Superman bracelet...helps me fly.

My Superman wallet that I don't's too small!

Yes, I do have a Superman bobble head.

Superman cups that I have never opened...because I'm keeping them mint.

Superman iron-ons! For emergency use only!

My family is very supportive of me(: Sophia made this for my 18th birthday!

I also have a Superman tie, Superman hat, Superman cape, Supergirl costume...
My eyes detect the Superman symbol every where I go!

And there you have it! A small hint of my obsession...

Any ideas of what else I should get Supermanized? I probably already have it, haha.

I almost forgot! This is something I don't have, but it's the first thing on my baby shower gift list!

I love you all! Bye!

Monday, November 19, 2012

My Mind Works in Mysterious Ways

You know that saying, "God works in mysterious ways."?
Before I get into story time, I would just like to point out that you could say this about pretty much anything.
For example, My toothbrush works in mysterious waysMy car works in mysterious ways, and my personal favorite, My hair works in mysterious ways.Try it! It's pretty fun!
Well, I thought it was entertaining...then again, my mind does work in mysterious ways.

Now, as a mature 19-year-old, I thought that I would have my noggin pretty much figured out.
thought that my brain was pretty simple. Even ordinary, at times! Nothing exciting going on up there!
And then it does weird things like...forget.
And not just any forgetting, simple forgets. Meaning, forgetting simple things.

I drew you a lovely diagram of my work(accompanied with a legend):
Let me explain.
I'm standing where my 'x' is, looking around to see what I need from the fridge.
I discover I need bacon! So I think to myself, I'm going to walk back to the fridge, and get bacon!

I try and focus on what I need to get in the fridge, but the walk is long and my not-so-simple grapefruit gets distracted. I usually forget completely at the second brown arrow, but continue walking to the fridge anyway. Because I know that the fridge is my destination.

And then I go back to my spot, like the thought of bacon never crossed my mind.

Until 20 bacon eaters come in all at once demanding bacon.

You all know how bacon lovers are...
And you see, suddenly my brain becomes complicated, kind of like the butterfly effect.
I forget something, and that leads to a mob.
If this didn't make any sense to you...well, I told you so.
My brain works in mysterious ways.

Thanks for reading, I love you all!