Thursday, February 21, 2013

Working out for the Wedding.

I would first like to say that I am not working out JUST for the wedding.
I really am on a journey for a healthier life style!
I think the wedding was sort of a kick in the pants for me though...haha.
Get the Jillian Michaels DVD I'm talking about right here on Amazon!

Also, the workout that I am doing is called Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred

She's the mean lady on the Biggest Loser.
If I don't workout, I have nightmares of her getting mad at me...
I LOVE this work out! I heard about it from my cousin, and then I kept hearing things about it from my friends, so I had to get it!
It has 3 levels. Level 1 is for beginners, level 2 when you're ready for more, and level 3 is killer awesome and hard!
The work out is 20 minutes, but she talks in the beginning and end and stuff, so it turns out to be about 27 minutes. You don't need any equipment either! You can get hand weights, OR you can use cans, or water bottles.

Can I have a testimony in working out? Hahaha.
Seriously, I can't even tell you guys how amazing it is to FEEL the difference.
I'm not trying to brag, really, I'm just so amazed. I guess it's something I've never really felt before, sad but true. 

After I worked out tonight, I was thinking to myself, "Am I REALLY even making a difference?" then I thought about how many people have noticed.
Then I thought of how far I've come!
I remember after a week and a half of doing level 1, I was like, "I'm ready for level 2! I can do anything!"
I tried it and was like, "Hah, just kidding, I don't mind doing level 1 for the rest of my life..."

I could not even finish level 2 work out, I barely made it past the warm up!
I really thought I wasn't ever going to do level 2.

Then there was a pause because I got sick. 
I didn't work out, and I was slightly scared to sleep because Jillian might visit me. 
I was even thinking(in real life) about how I would explain to her(in my dream) how I was sick!
So I healed (mostly), and I could feel how easy it was to just...not work out tonight, tomorrow tomorrow.

I'll work out tomorrow. 

But I knew I couldn't let myself do that, I have goals! A quota, so to speak! 

After 11 days of not working out (and no visit from Jillian, thank goodness), I did level 1, which was day 19 for me!
It was still a work out, but it felt...routine? Almost like I was bored of it!
I literally have the whole thing memorized of level 1.
My favorite part is when she's like, "I have 400lb people doing jumping jacks *pause* so can you."
No idea why.

Anyway, I was ready for something different. 

I remember while doing the cool down of level 1(day 19), I was thinking to myself that this is probably what it feels like to become stronger. I could feel it. I was ready for more!
So I started level 2, and I made it through!
Though I had to take some pauses, I still managed to get through it! I was amazed.
And today, during the work out I was thinking of how far I've come and how good it felt!
While sweat bullets dripped down my face.

A lot of the time when I workout, that song from the Disney movie Mulan pops into my head.

"I'll Make a Man Out of You" 
I think because at that part of the movie Mulan is over coming a huge obstacle in her life.Or maybe because I love that movie and that song.

Anyway, here is my version of the song! Some parts you have to stretch it out a little, haha (:

Let's get down to business - to defeat this fat

Muscle I will build, I am sure of that
I'm the saddest person I've ever met 
When there's a limit to what I eat
Soon the chub on my body, I'll defeat
Running through the city
Think I might just die
Sweat in every place
This is my last goodbye
Then I see the finish, I'm nearly there
and I know I'll make it through
I keep telling myself, "Just Do."
I'm never gonna make my goals!
Say goodbye to my new jeans
Why was I a fool for thinking I could win?
I think I'm close enough!
Hope this brownie goes right through me
Now I really wish I'd magically be slim!

We'll be strong
We will work out and get in that outfit
It won't be long
Till we have a healthy habit
We'll be strong
With all the strength that we have earned
Those millions of calories we have burned
Time is racing toward us till the event arrives!
Working out every day, saying "I will survive"
Finally I will be fit
I am strong, and I can do
Anything that I put my mind to.

Yes we can!
We will make it through!
Your life span
Will double because of you!
You are strong
And all you need to do is just start
Before you know it, you will have gone so far!

Is your mind just blown? So was mine!

Thank you everybody for your support! I love you all!

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