Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chris and I: A history Vol. ii

Welcome back! I know you are all dying for the next part of the story!
If you haven’t read the first part, please go here and read it: Chris and I: A History Vol. i
That way we are on the same page! (:

Let’s pick up where I left you all hanging…

He walked into the room, and I stared. I’m not one for staring, nor do I believe love at first site.
But, oh man, I thought to myself, “He is the most handsome boy I’ve ever seen…”

If this was a movie, my jaw would’ve dropped and I would’ve drooled.
It’s not though, so as a civilized human being, I acted like nothing happened.
I turned back around and decided that this was the best class ever, and I would be attending it more often.
I think I introduced myself, I don’t remember.
But his name is Chris…

A couple months passed and I attended the class a few times…more than a few…many? Many times?
I saw Chris a couple times there, but not as often as I had hoped.
But I wasn’t visiting that class just for him, no sir! I was there to….
Okay, I admit it. I just wanted to see him.
I sound like a crazy girl with a crush! I seriously am not the stalker type! Really!
I just didn’t know him or anything about him.
Who was he? Who is this guy that everyone knows except for me??
I blame it on my curiosity.
I mean, I give the credit to my curiosity. (:

It’s about to get good!

One Sunday…
It was magic. I don’t remember how it ended up with just us two, talking in the hall way at church.
But it was just that.
I was trying to explain a talk I heard by John Bytheway to Chris.
Something about taking a jug to church, and he was playing stupid, and taking me literally.
I was trying to explain that it wasn’t a real jug, a spiritual jug!
He acted confused, which then made me confused…
I learned that he grew up right there in Rosemont, that he took French in High School, he was going on a mission, and he knew everyone I knew!
Seriously, who was this guy?! Why have we never met??
I finally got his attention, aaaand frankly, it never left after that. Hahaha.
(Chris confessed to me about a month ago what was going on through his head during this particular conversation, it was something like this, “I’ve got to get her number, I’ve got to get her number, I’ve got to get her number……hmm, naaah, I’ll just stalk her on Facebook.”)
Aaaand he did. He threw a friend request my way, and I accepted, joyfully.
We messaged back and forth on Facebook.
Him, trying to get me to “hang out” with him.
Me, trying to play hard to get.
We were recently looking back at the messages we sent to each other and folks, it is adorable.
Cheese filled. I couldn’t stop laughing.
He really was trying, and I just kept denying him…nicely.
Finally, I agreed.

The rest is history.

The end.
*cough cough*
I mean,

The Beginning. Our Beginning.

Oh! And to reward your patience, I’ll tell you our first kiss story!
Bonus! Haha.
I know you are all dying to know!

What was it? Date 3, I think. Maybe 5. Maybe 1. I don’t remember the details…
But we were at the Tiber light rail station about to walk me home. And we were hugging for a while.
We were standing there (I’ll show you exactly where if you want me to), and I wanted to kiss him.
I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again! I wanted to kiss him!
I thought to myself, I’ll ask him. I’m such a genius.
I looked up at him, “Chris?”
He looked down at me, “Hm?”
Nah, Sabrina, don’t do it! You don’t ask, that’s so weird!
“Nothing.” I looked back down.
What are you doing?! Ask him!
I looked back up, “Chris?”
That boy looked back down at me with his beautiful eyes, “What?”
You nut, Sabrina! Don’t ask him!
I looked back down, “Hah, nothing…”
Sabrina! Why are you being such a chicken?! Now you’re being a real weirdo!
For a third freaking time, I looked back up at his face, “Chris?”
He was already looking down at me, “Yeah?”
It was like I had a little devil and a little angel on each of my shoulders, arguing!
I looked down again, “Nothing, nothing.”

Fourth time is the charm, right?
I slowly moved my head up to look at his face again.
By this time, I think he figured it out and...
WHOOP, there it is!


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