Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I believe I can fly.

I have this sort of...obsession.

I love Superman and all Superman things.

Whew! I said it!

Now, you are either one of two people:
1. "Oh, Sabrina! We already knew that about you!"
2. "What's the big dealio?"

1. You are about to understand how serious it is.
2. Refer to #1.

I don't remember how old I was, but it was pre-teen and I was a double digit kid.(10-12)
And let me just say what a big influence my older siblings are.
Cameron was really into Superman when I was this age, so naturally, I began to really like it also.
I started stealing Candida's Superman t-shirt that she got in San Fran. I might've asked permission a few times. I wore that poor, unfortunate t-shirt out.

I was convinced that when I bought a car, I was going to paint it blue and put the 'S' shield on the hood.
I have a blue car, but I matured (slightly) and did not go through with the 'S'.

There was a pause in my life I like to call Silently Super. It lasted about 3 months, and it consisted of me being in denial of loving Superman.

The rest is history!

I now have a collection of many Superman things...MANY.
Normal Superman tee that I have.

And this is where you might get a little nervous:

A Superman tee for Valentines Day!

You're like, "I still don't understand."
Weeeeeell, I have over 10 different kinds of Superman shirts.
I even have a sweatshirt, check out below.

I wanted to buy this for my child that I won't have for many more years.

I have a few pairs of Superman pajama bottoms!
This is one of them.

'S' Shield necklace of mine.

My rubber Superman bracelet...helps me fly.

My Superman wallet that I don't use...it's too small!

Yes, I do have a Superman bobble head.

Superman cups that I have never opened...because I'm keeping them mint.

Superman iron-ons! For emergency use only!

My family is very supportive of me(: Sophia made this for my 18th birthday!

I also have a Superman tie, Superman hat, Superman cape, Supergirl costume...
My eyes detect the Superman symbol every where I go!

And there you have it! A small hint of my obsession...

Any ideas of what else I should get Supermanized? I probably already have it, haha.

I almost forgot! This is something I don't have, but it's the first thing on my baby shower gift list!

I love you all! Bye!

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