Monday, January 28, 2013

I really should just elope.

I’m getting married!

And I might be slightly Bridezilla like, but hey! At least I admit it, and I don’t even try to deny it!
I feel like nobody talks about the stress of planning a wedding.

Probably because they don’t want to scare anyone away from getting married. I remember when my two older sisters got married, it didn't seem this complicated. I don’t remember them freaking out. I've freaked out. Only a little.
Maybe they knew exactly what they were doing. I don’t. I have no idea what I’m doing!
Except that I’m marrying the man of my dreams…I know that much.

 The most common advice that I get from other women who have already been through this is that to make sure I do it my way.  “It’s going to happen only once in your life(hopefully), so do it your way!”
Instead of me being like, “Sure, let’s do that”, “That’s fine with me, do whatever you want”, “Okay, just don’t let it be dumb looking” Which I am guilty of… I am taking charge!(mostly)

One of the first things that I was absolutely certain about my wedding was that one of the colors had to be yellow. Yellow is me.
Me is yellow.
Yellow is sort of my thing. I didn't always know this, but I found this out while trying to discover myself, or something.
And yellow has always been there for me, rain or shine.
The next step was to figure out the second color! Which was so much fun(but not really) because I couldn't find my yellows soul mate! I didn't want to do pink, or green, or blue. I wasn't about to have a taffy colored wedding. You can, or if you did, I am sure it was beautiful! It’s just not me.
And this day is all about me, lalalalalalala. I wanted something that was neutral, and settled the bright yellow down. Brown & yellow? Um, potty wedding? I don’t think so. Black & yellow? We are not all about to dress up like human bumble bees. Tan &Yellow? That’s like a white bee! Gray & yellow? I love these trendy colors! It was meant to bee. Hah. Haha. Hahahaha, I’m so funny. I’m pretty sure I just told an analogy of my love story. On accident. What?

Moving on…

 I was trying to pick out flowers for my bouquet, and I literally took a picture of all the yellow flowers I could find and sent the pictures to my oldest sister and said, “I’m pretty okay with any of these.”
To my dismay, she replied, “Find one that you love, you can’t just be okay with them.” I have to love one of these stupid kinds of flowers? Why? I don’t even really like flowers…right now…since I have to pick one. I was hoping she would pick one for me.
Too bad I’m not rich enough to hire a wedding coordinator, I could really use one. Oh, wait. I did hire a wedding coordinator, for free! They’re called family.
Wedding favors…why me?! Never did I think there was so much thought put into anyone’s wedding favors! I remember as a kid going to a lot of receptions (due to my humungous family), and I don’t even remember the wedding favors. For any of them! Why is it so hard to pick some? Everyone just wants candy, give them candy.
What about broccoli with a bow tied to it?
This goes the same way with centerpieces! I would really just like to have a pile of rocks. I think rocks are pretty. People would ask me why I chose to put a pile of rocks on the table, and I will come up with a meaningful story that will put them to tears. I’m so evil. Mwuahahahaha. “Why are there rocks on the tables?” “It stands for how strong our relationship is going to be because I climbed mountains with rocks on them, and they were strong, and I made it to the top of…most of them.” Good start, eh?

Picking out the wedding dress was hard at first. We went to David’s Bridal, which 
wasn't a good idea because there were so many! How was I supposed to pick?
“Eenie meenie miney moe all these dresses have to go except the one I’m going to choose only one of these I’ll use”couldn't pick one. They weren't what I was looking for. None of them were…me. I ended up going to Deseret Industries(Thrift Store), and I found a dress that I loved. Well, I only liked the bottom part, actually. The top part I was just going to have my Mom change. But when I tried it on, I fell in love with the whole thing.
My Mom does have to make a few adjustments to make it modest. Modest is hottest.

I’m pretty excited about all the advice I’m going to get from other people. Even single people!
I remember when I was younger, I heard someone say, “Remember to fight naked!” I don’t even remember where I heard it! But I just decided that was going to be my advice to everyone. Can you imagine a 10 year old telling you at your reception, “Now remember kids, fight naked!”? I would write it in guest books too! Like I knew what I was talking about! I hope I take my own advice…

I think it’s time to go, but I will say this.

There is one thing I am definite about in this whole wedding fiasco:
1. Marrying Him, my one and only, my better half, my soul mate, my partner in crime, my Captain America, my sweetheart, my Chrisgo, my kryptonite, my 1UP mushroom, and my best friend.

Don't mind the two demons standing there, there is a giant Superman S on the ground. This is at the new Superman ride at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.

I'm pretty sure this is my I'm-about-to-kiss-you-so-be-prepared face, hahaha.

What a cheese ball am I.


  1. I <3 this!!!! you should totally do the broccoli with a yellow bow for your wedding favors! that would be HILARIOUS!!!! hahahahahaha so AWESOME!
