Friday, October 19, 2012

And the music plays on...

Can you recall the first time you became interested in music?
When you listened to that song, and then you were like, "What is this sweet sound that doth touch my listening holes?"
Maybe it wasn't like that for you, but it was-- okay, it wasn't EXACTLY like that for me either, but what's life without a little exaggeration?
I remember it like it was just yesterday....
Story time! I know you were all looking forward to this, you guys are the best!

As a child(ages 0-11), I didn't really listen to the radio or music that I picked out. For example, I just listened to whatever the driver put on.
Mom driving: John Denver, Elton John, Rush Limbaugh.
Candida driving: Dido, Gilmore Girls Soundtrack, and Beauty and the Beast soundtrack.
Cameron driving: Maroon 5, N*Sync, Avril Lavigne, sometimes Backstreet Boys, Aaron Carter, and whatever 107.9 THE END played back in the early 2K's.
I didn't really care for music at that time. I was more concerned with...Pokemon cards, I think.


I think it was before I started Middle School at Mills as a 7th grader, but I decided to clean the kitchen. Without out being asked. For the first time. Nobody was home.
Naturally, I did what I saw my older sister do when they cleaned. They put in a CD in the CD player, and then you are suddenly in a musical.
I pulled out Cameron's CD case, and the search began! What to listen many choices, so little time.......Yellowcard? What is this? I put the Yellowcard Ocean Avenue album in the CD player.
Clicked play aaaand...BOOM.

I had discovered that I
It suddenly became my music.
I just about cried. It sounded so beautiful. It was an indescribable feeling.
It understood me.

Of course, as a pre-teen/early teen no one understood me(except Simple Plan, Three Days Grace, and Green Day), boo hoo.

After this incident I, for some reason, did this reasoning in my own little developing brain:
I like Yellowcard = therefore, I only like rock = all other genres are ugly sounding = I must be a rocker!! 
I didn't give any other genre a chance. Also, black overtook my wardrobe. My Mom just loved that.

As for my happy ending, in my later teen years (15-ish), I became more opened minded about the music I listened to(and the clothes I wore).

If you were to open my CD case today, you would find: Simon and Garfunkel, Johnny Cash, Katy Perry, N*Sync, Lady Gaga, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, FUN., etc etc etc.

The title of this post, And the music plays on..., is a line from the song Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Iron Maiden(random fact, the original song is 13 minutes long). I am not a huge fan of Iron Maiden AT ALL, but an itty bitty teeny weeny part of me can't help but like a little of the crazy guitar rock music. I can't even understand the words...but I do like that line.

And the music plays on...

What is you music discovery story?

Thanks for reading, you're all awesome(:

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny how you remember what music everyone listened to and you have it perfectly right! You're so cute, I'm glad your fashion style changed as well.
